Archive for November, 2008|Monthly archive page

Removing the Shortcut arrow from Desktop Icons:

Goto Start then Run and Enter regedit.
Then Navigate to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT then lnkfile.
Delete the IsShortcut registry value. You need to restart ur Windows.
After restart, shortcut arrow won’t appear on ur desktop icons.
That’s It.

How to have 2 or more Struts config file

Some times we have different modules of a single project and each module has its own struts config file…
Now when you want to combine all the modules to make a complete project then sometimes we face problem to merge multiple struts config file into one.

So here is the Code how to have multiple struts config file in a project

In order to tell the framework about your different modules(different struts config file), we specify multiple ‘config’ initialization parameters in our Web.xml. we’ll still use ‘config’ to tell the ActionServlet about our “default” module, however, for each additional module, we will list an initialization parameter named “config /module “, where /module is the prefix for our module. For eg:-


Here we have two modules. One happens to be the “default” module, identified by the param-name of “config”, and the other will be using the module prefix “/module1” based on the param-name it was given (“config/module1”).

Similarly we can write code for more than 2 Struts config file.

That’s it!!!

How to lock a folder without using any software

Suppose you want to lock the folder games in E: which has the path E:games

In the same drive create a text file and type
ren games games.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}
Now save this text file with any name but the extension should .bat (batch file)
eg lock.bat

Create another text file and type in it
ren games.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D} games
Now save this text file as with any name bt extension should be batch (open.bat)

Now Press lock.bat and the folder movies will change to control panel and when u click it your control panel will be opened.

TO view the contents of your games folder just click open.bat.

To Use this trick efficiently hide the two batch files lock.bat and open.bat and unhide them when u want to use ur game folder.

Removing Shared Documents folder From My Computer

Open registry editor. Once in registry, navigate to key

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE Microsoft Windows CurrentVersion Explorer My Computer NameSpace DelegateFolders

You must see a sub-key named {59031a47-3f72-44a7-89c5-5595fe6b30ee}. If you delete this key, you have effectively removed the my shared documents folder.